Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Photo Essay: Ati Community of Jordan, Guimaras by Jonathan Lim

Considered to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, the Ati community of Guimaras has an expansive history and is rich in culture and traditions. With a population of approximately three hundred people, they are located in Jordan – the capital of Guimaras island. 

Their chieftain Ms. Josephine Tahan, explained that one can identify an Ati by way of physical appearance. An Ati is five feet tall on average - but what really sets them apart are their small and petite body structures, flat noses, thick lips and a dark skin tone. However, mixed marriages over time have blurred the distinction between Atis and the outside world.

Similar to most indigenous peoples, the Atis are almost fully reliant on nature for survival. They hunt and collect herbs in the woods, fish by rivers and at sea, and the more enterprising ones collect exotic stones and seashells to be made into marketable accessories. As a result, they are highly respectful of Mother Nature and always seek permission before collecting anything from the woods.

I had the privilege of visiting the community while in Guimaras. I played with the children, conversed with the elders, and for an afternoon was able to catch a glimpse of these beautiful people as they went about their daily routines. The children were welcoming and playful, the elderly accommodating and warm, and the teenage boys too agile for me on the basketball court. 

A welcome sign they made in anticipation of our arrival.
Playing a few rounds of 'touch the sky' with the boys – the children were easy to please.
Exhausted, they share a bottle of coke.
Apart from being so welcoming, most of them enjoyed being photographed.

A mother and child.
With all the curiosity in the world.
Sometimes a photograph is not about what shows in the end. These girls were giggling and more than happy to provide varying poses. 

A girl purchases candy from a sari-sari store in the village. Sari-sari stores remain an important backbone of the grassroots economy and the Philippines culture – a common sight on the streets.

Riding into the day. Majority of the people in Guimaras travel on motorcycles.

A villager prepares a bamboo for the building of a house.

The Ati women enjoy plucking each other's white hair. They joke, they laugh – simple pleasures in life.

This soft-spoken yet genuine man has a big voice in the community – he used to be the village chief.

Beauty in age.
A group photograph with the divas of the Ati community. They were so bubbly and cheerful, only wished I understood what they were saying.

The children turned this jeepney into a playground as the session took place in the village hall.
Bidding farewell, till we all meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Jonathan...so heart warming by looking at their faces!
